Here’s why Henry Cavill has not spoken up on the Snyder Cut of Justice League. A whole host of Justice League’s cast and crew have joined the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut campaign, with most recently Gal Gadot and Ben Affleck supporting the Snyder Cut, but Cavill, who played Superman in the film, has yet to say anything on the matter.

There are a variety of reasons why we haven’t heard anything official from Cavill regarding the Snyder Cut. Between the impending release of The Witcher on Netflix and potential contract negotiations with Warner Bros., Cavill seems to have his head pointed in multiple different directions. Yet between all of these things, one person can be zeroed in as to why the Snyder Cut has not been on his radar, and that’s his agent, Dany Garcia.

Cavill signed with Garcia in April of 2016, a month after the release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. While not much of it was made back then, clues from why it happened feed into Cavill’s presumed silence today. Garcia is heavily involved with Shazam! and the impending Black Adam film. With Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as her primary client, making sure he suits up as Black Adam was imperative to her relationship with WB. Second on her list is Cavill and his contract as Superman. Much has been reported on the fallout between the studio and the actor regarding the role following Justice League. The headless Superman cameo in Shazam! was reportedly a byproduct of failed negotiations, despite Cavill chalking it up to schedule. Since Shazam! released, things have been quiet regarding Cavill and Superman, and it can be assumed Garcia and Cavill were putting together a gameplan to get him back into the red cape. So where does the Snyder Cut fit in?

To announce Cavill signing with The Garcia Companies, a photo-op between Cavill and Dwayne Johnson took place. The pair teased things to come with “We’re excited for what the future brings” alongside the hashtag #DCWorldsWillCollide. We know Superman was going to have a cameo in Shazam! that was slightly longer than what appeared in the final film. Assumedly this cameo was supposed to be a relaunch of Superman in the DCEU. The next film on her producer list is 2021’s Black Adam. Not much is known on the direction of the film, but it is possible Garcia is pushing for Cavill’s Superman to have a small role in the film. After all, Black Adam vs Superman is a dream fight for fans, and the star power of The Rock fighting the Man of Steel would surely entice audiences. If Garcia’s plan is to push Cavill as far away from his Superman films as possible, then his silence on the Snyder Cut makes sense.

The Snyder Cut of Justice League is a social juggernaut now. Fans took to Twitter and made #ReleaseTheSnyderCut trend with almost 800K tweets. A huge part of that was the support from Gadot and Affleck. The two, like Cavill, had not commented on the Snyder Cut much up to that point and they made their stand in full force, hashtag and all. They join the likes of Jason Momoa and Ray Fisher, two actors who have publicly advocated the Snyder Cut from the beginning. Many members of the cast and crew also chimed in, but it went beyond that. MCU actors and directors and industry professionals also jumped in. All of this makes Cavill’s silence almost deafening.

The actor has almost always had kind words for Zack Snyder, and his work on Man of Steel in particular, yet it seems Cavill is unlikely to say anything about Superman that doesn’t have Garcia’s approval. If Garcia has a plan to have Cavill cameo in a few films before positioning himself for a new solo outing, then advocating for the Snyder Cut of Justice League could be seen as potentially damaging. However, the Snyder Cut is pretty much free publicity for Cavill in the Superman costume. If the Snyder Cut comes out on HBO MAX to audience praise and retention, Cavill’s chances to be Superman again would likely be greatly improved, but right now he seems content to stay quiet.

More: What Happens to Justice League 2 & 3 if WB Releases the Snyder Cut?