Zack Snyder recently revealed he has a cut of Justice League and it’s 214 minutes long, meaning, after you account for reshoots, there’s at least two-hours of unseen footage in the Snyder Cut - the equivalent to the entirety of the Joss Whedon theatrical cut’s runtime.

When Joss Whedon was first brought in to replace Zack Snyder, the narrative pushed by Warner Bros. was he was simply completing the movie Zack Snyder set out to make with the addition of some reshoots to punch up dialogue and add connective tissue. By the time the movie came out, it was clear the changes were far more invasive, and Snyder’s original vision was the last thing they were interested in preserving.

Besides the changes to tone and store, then Warners Chairman and CEO Kevin Tsujihara famously put in place a two-hour runtime mandate. It’s hard to know exactly how much of the movie is Whedon’s original footage, but he did get a writing credit, meaning, per WGA standards, he had a 33% impact on the story. This doesn’t necessarily relate to the percentage of script, as it’s based on impact, but he included multiple new scenes and altered existing footage by recording new audio or inserting small moments of dialogue to change the context.

Before release, it was said original Whedon footage only accounted for 15-20 percent, of the total runtime, which seems to undershoot his contribution, but that would come to nearly 30 minutes. Ignoring the fact that the remaining hour and 30 minutes is still tainted Snyder footage, but with Snyder telling fans his cut was 214 minutes long, meaning there’s at least two-hours of previously unseen Snyder Justice League.

It’s a far from scientific calculation, considering nearly every frame of the movie was tampered with in some way, particularly the coloring, meaning only 42% of Snyder’s footage for the Snyder Cut has even been seen (and even then, it’s probably not even that much or in the right context).

We have an idea of what some of these missing moments are, such as more character backstories, the addition of Darkseid, and military involvement, to name a few. However, considering there’s more unseen footage in the Snyder Cut than there is total footage in the theatrical cut of Justice League, there very well could be a few surprises still in store.

Despite all the information that has come out to reveal just how significantly the movie was changed, this statistic might be the best way to highlight how different the Snyder Cut truly is from the theatrical version. It’s not just a similar story but a little longer and a little darker with a Superman whose upper lip doesn’t look like rubber, but it contains enough new footage to be a new movie unto itself.

With Avengers: Endgame generating so much hype over its three-hour runtime, Snyder’s cut of Justice League would have been around 30 minutes longer, giving just an idea of the grand scale he had planned for the first major DC team-up movie.

There may still be a few roadblocks in the way of it getting released, but with such a massive movie, the vast majority of which is unseen, sitting in Warners archives pending the completion of post-production (seemingly mostly VFX and music), it’s hard to imagine the demand will subside any time soon.

MORE: The DCEU’s Biggest Mistake Was Not Letting Zack Snyder Finish His Vision

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