A new image from Zack Snyder’s cut of Justice League shows the original vision for Batman’s costume, complete with goggles. Snyder has been releasing numerous black and white images from his version of the Justice League film for a number of weeks now, something which has only made the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement grow louder and more demanding.

From rumors Snyder’s version of Justice League would have explained The Flash’s ability to travel through time to images which reveal the film was originally supposed to include a scene where Aquaman receives his iconic costume, news surrounding any aspect of Justice League’s Snyder Cut has been met with praise and a rabid desire for more from fans, even though industry insiders have claimed an actual Snyder Cut release is little more than a pipe dream. However, those comments haven’t stopped the cast and crew of Justice League from continuing to drop little hints of the film’s existence on a regular basis.

Recently, Zack Snyder released yet another image from his version of Justice League on Vero, this time showing off Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. Titling the image “Trinity Tuesday,” this new photograph (pictured above) shows fans what Batman’s costume would have looked like had the character’s goggles not been removed from the final film with computer-generated graphics.

Especially considering the amount of support Snyder’s Cut of Justice League has among the people who worked on the film, many fans feel like it’s only a matter of time until Warner Brothers finally announces a way for people to watch it. Aquaman’s Jason Momoa even claims to have seen the Snyder Cut, and has described it in his own words as “ssssiiicccckkkkkk,” which fans have taken as a good sign of the film’s quality.

Although it’s likely the Snyder Cut of Justice League will eventually see the light of day, it’s easy for some people to wonder if all of this hype is building the film up too much. The theatrical version of the Justice League film was a hotly debated topic for many, many months after its release, and fans have been convincing themselves Zack Snyder’s version will hold all the answers for them for so long now that, when the Snyder Cut does finally get released, it is almost an inevitability some of those fans are going to be disappointed. Hopefully, Zack Snyder’s personal version of Justice League will release one day, and when it does hopefully the majority of people who have been incessantly hyped about it will be able to find some closure.

Next: Justice League Image Shows Barry Allen & Iris West Snyder Cut Scene

Source: Vero