The anticipation among DC fans continues to grow with each new development in the upcoming DC Extended Cinematic Universe film, Justice League. The Zack Snyder-helmed superhero adventure is set to debut in theaters later this year and will set the stage for a number of DCEU solo character films to follow over the years ahead.

Fans are at a stage where every little tidbit of information about what we will see in Justice League is exciting - so when an image accidentally revealed that Central City will be used in the film hit the ‘Net, the news quickly began to spread. Central City is, of course, the home town of Justice League team member, The Flash/Barry Allen (played by Ezra Miller in the DCEU).

A seemingly innocent social media post by the British Society of Cinematography shows Justice League movie cinematographer Fabian Wagner at work on the film’s set (see the photo embedded below). Clearly visible in the background is a road sign that reads “Central City”, revealing that Barry Allen’s home turf should appear (or, at the least, be referenced) in Snyder’s next DCEU installment.

This nod to the DC comic books is a welcome addition to the film, along with the tongue-in-cheek “Reduced Speed Ahead” sign that can be seen behind the Central City limits marker. There had been some concern that Snyder may be putting The Flash in Keystone City instead of Central City, thanks to an easter egg that was discovered on a Suicide Squad movie website. Keystone City, in the world of DC comics, is the sister city to Central City and the home of the original Flash, Jay Garrick.

Central City first appeared in the comic books in the fourth issue of Showcase, back in 1956. The Silver Age home of fan-favorite Flash Barry Allen, it is the home of S.T.A.R. Labs and the home turf that The Flash protects when he’s not off fighting evil with the Justice League, much the same way that Batman resides in Gotham and Superman in Metropolis. Central City has recently been seen on television in the CW series The Flash. The first hints of the fictional town came in a few easter eggs in the Arrow television series and was fully realized when The Flash TV spinoff was launched.

It may seem strange to those that don’t follow the comic books that there is buzz about a city being included in the film, but often the settings of these mythical heroes can become their own characters that take on their own persona. This is the reason that the Fox series Gotham can survive three seasons without including the hero that made it infamous, Batman. A brief mention of Central City in the first season of Gotham also created fan buzz some years back.

Source: BSC (via Comic Book)

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