Among the cast and crew of Justice League, Jason Momoa has been the most vocal in his support for releasing the “Snyder Cut” of the film. After Zack Snyder stepped down from directing duties on Justice League in the wake of a family tragedy, the movie underwent major reshoots, though Warner Bros. maintained that the movie being released into theaters would remain Snyder’s vision. Upon the film’s release in November 2017, fans quickly came to realize that the reshoots had taken Justice League in a very different direction from what Snyder had intended.

DC fans have spent the almost two years since lobbying Warner Bros. to release the Snyder Cut of Justice League, and their efforts have drawn an increasing amount of support from the cast and crew. Zack Snyder himself has released many images and storyboards on social media teasing the differences between his cut and the theatrical version, while outright confirming the cut’s existence at a director’s cut event back in March. The campaign for the Snyder Cut’s release has also been vocally supported by Justice League’s cinematographer, Fabian Wagner, along with Cyborg actor Ray Fisher. Additionally, storyboard artist Jay Oliva has also provided significant insight into Snyder’s version of the film, particularly with respect to the “unhinged” portrayal of Superman in the third act.

However, among those directly involved in the making of Justice League, Jason Momoa has arguably given the Snyder Cut its loudest voice of support. Considering that Aquaman now holds the distinction of being the highest-grossing DC movie ever, Momoa’s support has given the Snyder Cut campaign a huge boost in visibility, with each occasion on which he’s made his support for it known bringing significant attention to it. Here are the instances in which Jason Momoa has publicly voiced his support for the Snyder Cut’s release.

The Snyder Cut’s Ending Set Up Aquaman

Jason Momoa’s first public comments on the Snyder Cut came during the Aquaman press tour. During an interview with Chris Van Vliet, Momoa was asked about the place of Aquaman within the larger continuity of the DCEU. After replying that the film took place post-Justice League, Momoa then elaborated on Arthur’s ending “In Zack’s cut”, which involved the future King of Atlantis being warned of an impending conflict by Mera and Vulko. In this unseen ending, Arthur ultimately turns down their request for assistance with the words “I’m going home to see my Dad.” 

Following Momoa’s revelation, Zack Snyder shortly thereafter released a still from Arthur’s original send off in the Snyder Cut on Vero, captioned with the quote provided by Momoa. Though Snyder had already spent months dropping teases of his version of Justice League on social media, Momoa’s interview and the image Snyder released on the heels of it gave the campaign for the film’s release quite the shot in the arm. However, the presence of the Snyder Cut as a topic of discussion during the Aquaman press tour was just getting started.

Jason Momoa Calls For The Snyder Cut’s Release

As Jason Momoa and the cast of Aquaman continued to make the rounds doing interviews, Momoa would take numerous opportunities to express his gratitude towards Zack Snyder for casting him in the role, which first began with a cameo in 2016’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Meanwhile, following Momoa’s interview with Chris Van Vliet, the topic of the Snyder Cut was now seemingly on the table in a way that it hadn’t previously been. This was seen most vividly in Momoa’s MTV News interview with Josh Horowitz. When asked by Horowitz about the fan campaign for the Snyder Cut’s release, Momoa matter-of-factly stated “I’m obsessed with it, too.”

That comment and Momoa’s description of the Snyder Cut’s ending would’ve added plenty of fuel to the fire on their own. However, when Horowitz further inquired about Momoa’s thoughts on the matter, the Aquaman star at first lamented Hollywood politics being a hindrance on the ability of actors to be fully candid, before enthusiastically stating “Yeah, F**k yeah, I want to see it!” to Horowitz. As Aquaman went on to dominate the holiday movie season, these interviews would prove to be a major turning point by bringing much greater attention to Zack Snyder’s version of Justice League. Nevertheless, for as significant of a development as the two interviews would prove to be, Momoa’s biggest bomb was still yet to come.

Jason Momoa Confirms He Has Seen The Snyder Cut

Jason Momoa’s public comments on the Snyder Cut would only further embolden fans to continue lobbying Warner Bros. for its release, with a subsequent campaign at San Diego Comic Con 2019 drawing further attention to the topic. However, Momoa would throw even more gasoline on the fire this past August while paying a visit to Zack and Deborah Snyder, currently at work on the in-production zombie heist film Army of the Dead for Netflix. In a video post on Instagram, Momoa gifted Zack Snyder with a new Leica Q2 and shared his gratitude with Snyder for casting him as Aquaman in the DCEU.

Additionally, Momoa captioned the post with a blurb in which he confirmed to have been shown the Snyder Cut of Justice League, with Momoa enthusiastically describing Snyder’s version of the film as “ssssiiicccckkkkkk”. This made Momoa the first cast member to not only unambiguously verify the Snyder Cut’s existence but to also claim to have been privy to it, with Momoa further sharing his gratitude for the latter with the hashtag “#luckymesucksforu”. Momoa’s Instagram post would galvanize fans that much more in their bid to persuade Warner Bros. to release the Snyder Cut, with the most recent fan endeavor at New York Comic Con highlighting quotes on the cut’s existence from Momoa, Ciaran Hinds, Ray Fisher, and Zack Snyder on a billboard in Times Square, with Snyder himself expressing his own gratitude on social media.

With the two-year anniversary of the theatrical release of Justice League nearing, it is clear at this point that the push for the Snyder Cut’s release is highly unlikely to die down, and that can at least partially be attributed to Jason Momoa’s own advocacy for it. Momoa’s interviews during the Aquaman press tour would keep the conversation around it continuing, while his social media confirmation of having seen Snyder’s version of the film would energize fans even more. Wherever the fan campaign for the Snyder Cut of Justice League goes from this point, Jason Momoa’s support for its release has undoubtedly both increased the attention for it and given it a major push.

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