Warning: Basketful of Heads is a MATURE comic

The rain lashes the grassy dunes of Brody Island, and seagulls scream above the bay. A slender figure in a raincoat carries a large wicker basket, which looks like it might be full of melons…covered by a bloodstained scrap of the American flag. This is how the horror story Basketful of Heads began, and with its fourth issue on the horizon, it’s only gotten bloodier since.

The story of June Branch is exactly what fans of Joe Hill have come to expect. That is, the star of an unthinkable, unpredictable, and completely refreshing brand of horror story. The story of a young woman trying to find her boyfriend after he’s stolen by a group of depraved criminals, and decides to turn the terror against them instead. But her plan to do it – using an enchanted, 8th-century Viking axe to take off their heads – has had unforeseen repercussions. Leaving the severed heads conscious and talking, the story has gotten stranger with each issue. Now crossing the halfway point of the miniseries’ run, Basketful of Heads #4 is upping the bodycount, as revealed in DC’s official preview pages.

The previous issue ended on an unexpected twist to the story, suggesting one of the criminals (killers?) may have been hiding in plain sight. But if it looked like June had run out of fight, these preview pages show she is only getting started. Unfortunately, the same can be said for the collection of severed heads she’s leaving in her wake. Take a look at the preview pages for Basketful of Heads #4 embedded below:

It’s unclear if Mr. Hamilton knows how badly he’s already been beaten by June, after she uncovered his role in the kidnapping/finger-removal of her boyfriend Liam. But either way, he isn’t going anywhere. Not without June, of course. For the full issue, fans will be able to head to their local comic book shops on January 22nd. In the meantime, find the full solicitation details and plot synopsis below:

  • BASKETFUL OF HEADS #4 (OF 7) Release Date: January 22nd, 2020 Written by: Joe Hill Art by: Leomacs Cover Art by: Reiko Murakami Is June Branch a woman fighting for her life-or a deranged axe murderer with a basketful of paranoid fantasies? In the long hours of the night she makes a desperate run for the Brody Island Police Department, unsure whether she’s a victim who needs protection-or a killer who must be stopped!

Basketful of Heads #4 will arrive in your local comic book shop on January 22nd, 2020.

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