“i think both versions are great but personally for me i like jb a little bit better..but they are both great” “in my opinion the jonas brothers did better but im not sayin the beatles are bad i just like the way jonas brothers did the song” “JONAS DAHHHH AND SOMETHING IMPORTANT (mermaids r real!!!)” “jonas brothers are 100,000,000 millions times betters” “i liked jb’s version better cuz it wuz fast and upbeat!!” Unfortunately, this horrible, obnoxious music will continue to be produced, unless these companies, primarily Disney, take a stand and start producing good music for all of these kids to listen to. One of these companies is Apple. Apple is considered to be a very hip company in the eyes of the same kids who buy the Jonas’ music. From iPods, to laptops, to iPhone, to Photobooth, Apple isn’t just desirable to geeks and fanboys… teenagers really like it too. Therefore, Apple is in a unique position, especially with the huge iTunes installed base, to decide what’s cool, and what’s not. Instead of using this advantage to promote music of actually quality, they instead are feeding right into the Disney trend, and promoting bands like the Jonas Brothers non-stop, from iTunes Home Page Ads, to Miley Cyrus being on the staff favorites, and now to the Jonas Brothers performing at an Apple Store. While part of me is sure this shameless advertising has to be because of Jobs’ ties with Disney, another part of me finds it hard to believe that Jobs would want to promote such low quality music, no matter how much it benefitted him financially. He has said many times how much he likes The Beatles and Bob Dylan, so why would he let The Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana ascend into stardom? Anyways, I’ve blabbed enough about this: what do you think? Could this slowly creep up and overcome the record industry, destroying good music once and for all? Or am I overreacting to a dinky little concert in NYC? Sound off in the comments. Michael is a teen blogger for 9 to 5 Mac, and has his own blog, Mac Soda.