Joker was one of the best movies of 2019, earning plaudits from both critics and fans alike. It showed us a different side to the superhero genre with its dark and gritty tone, while Joaquin Phoenix’s portrayal of the Prince of Crime was so good, and so scary, that many are hoping DC announces a sequel at some point down the line.

So we’re now going to take a look at what things we’d want from a Joker 2 — and what we wouldn’t. Sequels can be a tricky thing, particularly for superhero movies, so DC should perhaps look at this list before jumping into any quick and rash decisions.

Do: Expand More On Arthur Fleck

Before he becomes Joker, Joaquin Phoenix’s character is Arthur Fleck. We see the entire movie from his viewpoint yet seem to learn next to nothing about him. We know he likes comedy, worships Murray Franklin and cares for his mother. But we don’t really know what he does, and doesn’t, like in general.

This is where a sequel can come in. It can show us even more sides to the character (many would be unsettling, we’re sure) and expand on what he thinks about Gotham City and it’s villainous inhabitants. One thing shouldn’t be touched on, however…

Don’t: Revisit The Wayne Mystery

Throughout most of Joker, Arthur Fleck is hunting answers to his past. He’s unsure if he’s the son of Thomas Wayne or not (and therefore the brother of Bruce Wayne, Batman to be).

And we like that. The fact you don’t know the truth about Arthur’s backstory is very Joker-esque, making it a mystery that you can draw your own conclusions from. If they provide answers it may take away some of the intrigue and interest in Arthur - eliminating shock factor as a result.

Do: Focus On Joker Building An Army

At the end of the movie, Arthur Fleck is (or at least appears to be) very much a man on top. He’s killed Murray Franklin, the Joker has been born and it seems as if the whole of Gotham City suddenly view him as a hero — something that further fuels his insanity and egocentric nature.

But it’s still difficult to see Arthur getting people to listen to him. Just because he’s killed someone on live television doesn’t make him that special, especially in a city as warped as Gotham. So it would be interesting to see how he’d be able to command authority and get others to do his bidding.

Don’t: Bring Batman Into The Fray

It’s been ages since we had a movie starring both Joker and the Batman. Suicide Squad doesn’t really count given the Dark Knight only appears briefly and Jared Leto’s interpretation of the Prince of Crime left much to be desired. So, because of that, it would be tempting to pit Joachin Phoenix’s character against Batman himself.

But we don’t think they should do this. That’s something to save for a third movie. Instead, we’d want a Joker sequel to be set right after the first one — thus Bruce Wayne is still a child. While Batman vs Joker would be enthralling to watch, it would leave a void in the storytelling vacuum.

Do: Make Joker Go To Trial

Unfortunately, we never got to see Heath Ledger’s Joker stand trial for his crimes in 2012’s The Dark Knight Rises due to the tragic passing of Heath Ledger. But, with Joker seemingly incarcerated at the end of the 2019 movie, this is something DC could now do.

It would certainly be true to the source material. Joker’s always on trial, always being sentenced to Arkham, or Blackgate, or any other hellhole but he always ends up escaping every time. A trial means publicity, too, and DC would be able to show what the population of Gotham thinks about Arthur Fleck following his murder of Murray Franklin.

Don’t: Keep The Tone

We loved the tone of the first movie, we really did. It was refreshing seeing Joaquin Phoenix’s outstanding acting doing the storytelling, rather than a load of special effects and A-list side characters. And it made Joker arguably the darkest superhero movie ever released.

But a second movie of Phoenix dancing oddly, behaving unnervingly and telling the audiences conflicting stories would take away from the uniqueness of the first movie. We believe Todd Phillips would instead be wise to channel his creative mind and form something new and different. After all, the Joker wants things to be multiple choice and unpredictable, right? Changing the tone would be a risk - but one worth taking if they want to replicate the same success as the first blockbuster.

Do: Introduce A Harley Quinn

Suicide Squad was the first time we’d seen a Joker and Harley Quinn in live action. And, while the movie didn’t scale the heights many were hoping, there’s no denying that Margot Robbie was electric as Harleen Quinzel.

So we’re intrigued by the prospect of Joaquin Phoenix’s interpretation of the character having a love interest. Zazie Beetz’s Sophie would work, particularly given how brilliant an actress she is. We still don’t know for sure that Joker killed her so it’s feasible she could still be alive — and perhaps have a new-found admiration for Arthur, like the rest of Gotham City.

Don’t: Leave It On An Ambiguous Note Again

The ending of Joker was both brilliant and infuriating at the same time.

On one hand, who doesn’t like a mystery? It’s certainly up to you, as the viewer, to decide whether everything you’ve just watched is real or whether it’s all in Arthur Fleck’s head. And that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

However, that said, it leads to so much speculation, so much theorizing, that the questions and lack of answers end up driving you insane. If Joker 2 is to happen it needs to leave the movie on a far more surer note — and not have you thinking about the fact you may have wasted your time.

Do: Make It Clear Arthur Is Mr J

Joaquin Phoenix believes he’s playing the Joker, not some copycat. And that’s good because, truth be told, there’s no way the Prime of Crime should ever base himself off of somebody else.

Joker is unique, a one-off. So, because of this, many fans were furious when it was suggested Arthur could merely be the inspiration for the true Joker out there. Even in Gotham, the TV series, their interpretation of the Prince of Crime was something different to Jerome Valeska, who had come before. Sorry DC, there’s no way Mr J would have been born out of anything more than madness.

Don’t: Keep Bruce Out Entirely

We said we don’t want Joker vs Batman which is true, we don’t. But, just because we’re not seeing the Dark Knight, doesn’t mean that we don’t want to see more of Bruce Wayne.

It would be interesting for us, as the audience, to see how Bruce reacts to the deaths of his parents down Crime Alley. We can see, first hand, how the youngster would turn into something more, something special himself. It wouldn’t be right to have a Joker 2 without getting more details about what Arthur Fleck is destined to create…