With fake news published on a daily basis on The Onion website, every day feels like April Fool’s Day. Joining today’s laughing festivities (which is good for your health, scientists say), “America’s finest news source”, as these jokers call themselves, have released a native iPad app. Available free from the App Store, it augments their iPhone application The Onion and the Onion News Network podcast. It’s got everything you’d expect from the leader in fakes news on the web…

Fake news is optimized for the tablet form factor. Somewhat modest capabilities include reading prank stories in portrait or landscape, in-app video and social sharing – the basic stuff you’d expect from a news reader.

Put simply, it’s an elegant and easy way to enjoy The Onion’s hilarious content that has fooled many established media outlets. And don’t worry, the app serves full content available on the website to your iPad. If The Onion website is already part of your morning news routine, you will without doubt love their iPad app.